DATE : 13-05-18
KIPO shares HRD HRD strategies with developing countries
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Source: KIPO
Date: 2011. 11. 8

KIPO held the WIPO Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar jointly with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) from November 1 to 3 under the theme of “Human Resources Development Policies and Strategies” at the International Intellectual Property Training Institute (IIPTI) of KIPO.

Thirty representatives of sixteen Asia-Pacific countries including China, India, Iran and the Philippines working on human resources development (HRD) in their respective intellectual property (IP) offices participated in the seminar. In addition, one HRD expert from Canada participated. The representatives presented their HRD policies and discussed measures to develop their capacity.

In particular, KIPO shared its HRD policies and strategies focused on narrowing the gap between developing countries and enhancing their organizational capacity.

Together with WIPO, the IIPTI has held a total of 23 seminars on major IP issues for developing countries of the Asia-Pacific region since its establishment in 1987. The institute encourages international exchange and cooperation in the development of the IP field of developing countries.


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